Spreading the Spark thru DiabeticVIP.com

I recently purchased the domain - DiabeticVIP.com . The VIP stands for Vegetarian Insulin Patient. I have pointed it to my personal profile page on SparkPeople in hopes to help spread the word of SparkPeople. I have also set up a Twitter and Facebook account with DiabeticVIP to further the spread of SparkPeople.

Since I have taken the lead to become Team Leader on 3 different teams, I feel I dont need a personal website as this will now become my main source of Blogging and getting my body fit and healthy. There is so much work and information that can be communicated here. I love this site. I feel that it is going to transform my life as well as helping other transform theirs.

All I can say is - Thank you SparkPeople for helping me become a new me.